Stanisław Małolepszy

Open on

I make small 3D games (, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.



digital sociologist / strategist / activist. Open Future (EU), Communia (EU), Creative Commons (World), Centrum Cyfrowe (PL)

Ryan Snyder

Dad, Husband. American living in the UK. Passionate about food, climate, and tech.

Pascal Chevrel

Staff Project Manager for Firefox Nightly - Mozilla


Japanese-American, Seattleite, MeFite, Rust programmer. Occasional serious posts but mostly terrible puns.


foss and web platform stuff, ttrpgs, he/him

Joni Korpi

Making multiplayer games using the web platform. In the past: web design & HTML/CSS. Now: indie game design & JS/GLSL.


I work in tech: unix (any) sysadmin. He/him

Open source software; Lua programming; synth DIY; ecology; botany; photography; aerospace; NetBSD user

I don't worry if you don't follow back - do what you want with your timeline.

Profile photo: detail of a very ruffled, lace-like fern.
Header photo: A NAFO shibu inu dog in a Patagonia sweatervest, attaching Kontakt-1 explosive-reactive armor bricks to a Cray Supercomputer.

Zef Hemel

Organizational hacker. Lover of simple things. Nice as a person. Dutch person living in Poland. Thinks through writing. Director of Engineering at ResearchGate. Created @silverbullet. #OSS #PKM #EndUserProgramming


Working on supply chain security for JS. meet.js Poland organizer. Node.js user since v0.8.
Addicted to teaching.


Nathan :verified:

J'aime faire rire les gens (defois)
Membre fondateur du FSE