Stanisław Małolepszy

Open on

I make small 3D games (, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.


Eemeli Aro

Plotting to save the world via open source and science fiction.


I compress pixels (
Web Standards & #RustLang

Ric Wood

Do you even DM, bro? Indie game/web dev.


Japanese-American, Seattleite, MeFite, Rust programmer. Occasional serious posts but mostly terrible puns.

Rémi Vansteelandt

iOS / Android dev during the day, game dev at night. Currently working on #EarthsGreatestDefender

Mr. Fred 🔥

Salutations, fellow humans.

In my work life, I run engineering orgs (Kojo, Airbnb, Mozilla). On Masto, I'm all tech and culinary nerdery.

Paul Adenot

Noise maker maker maker at Mozilla

Ryan Snyder

Dad, Husband. American living in the UK. Passionate about food, climate, and tech.

Joni Korpi

Making multiplayer games using the web platform. In the past: web design & HTML/CSS. Now: indie game design & JS/GLSL.

J. Ryan Stinnett

Exploring how to make programs more malleable and computing more humane

My communities: @malleablesys, @matrix, Mozilla

Jakub Synowiec

I casually post about stuff. Mostly personal knowledge management, privacy, software engineering, games, and books. Not an expert, only my own, eventually consistent opinions.

Software Engineer by trade, Engineering Manager by need, Solution Architect by choice. Helping teams with distributed systems.

Michał Łazowik