Tamás Gulácsi tamas@social.gulacsi.eu

Open on social.gulacsi.eu

#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


Ку 🐻🇧🇬🇪🇺 @kunev@eu.mastodon.green

I break things to see how they (don't?) work | I pass the butter | toots may contain Bulgarian, да го еба | !! и ≠ й ≠ ѝ !!

kovaxdanielakos @iambrose@mastodon.social

AndroidPortal / Android.hu

Juan Alvarez @nebiros@fosstodon.org

passionate about software development #golang #ios #java #javascript #objc #ruby #swiftlang, mostly #golang these days

Retró napló @retronaplo@mastodon.social

Képes időutazás a 70-80-90-es évek világában. Retró életérzés...

Markus Wennrich @mwennrich@fosstodon.org

kovaxxx@pixelfed.social @kovaxxx@pixelfed.social

AndroidPortal / Android.hu

Matt @linux_nerd@mstdn.social

Cloud engineer working on switching from VMware to Azure or another public cloud. Linux addict and currently learning GO lang. Been working in IT for way too long now, almost have the grey beard also.

Looking for anything techy, programming, scifi, fantasy or whatever my interests are for the week

EBugat 🐾🐾 @Sprocket@mastodon.online

-- Mottó -----------------‐‐------------------‐----
"...kergettem, ott maradt, cirógattam, elszaladt..." - napjaim egy pulival #nogradifulop
-- Zene, macska, kert, konyha -------
#nogradikertem #nograditigrincs #nogradipicur #nogradifolci #nogradicsopi #estizene #nogradikonyham
-- Sport, hobbi --------------‐----------------
#GoZwift #Garmin #beatyesterday
-- Egyéb --------------------------‐‐-------------
#atmoskazan #favalfutok #fedi22

binaryphile 🥥🌴✅🇺🇲 @binaryphile@fosstodon.org

:golang: :neovim: :android: :bash: :bitcoin: :ethereum: :fosstodon: :git: :inkscape: :nixos: :ruby: :python: :signal: :ubuntu:

There are 10 kinds of people in the world...

Progressive 50-something father and husband, software developer

bwtms @bwtms@mastodon.social

graphic designer, guitarist, cyclist & dad³ + ♥@norianya

george @christgf@fosstodon.org