Tamás Gulácsi tamas@social.gulacsi.eu

Open on social.gulacsi.eu

#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


Shocking Politics @shockingpolitics@mastodon.social

Welcome to Shocking Politics! This is a place where we discuss and dissect the latest political news and events, with a focus on hard-hitting analysis and no-nonsense commentary. Join us for unfiltered discussions and a fresh perspective on today's political landscape.

Sacha Chua @sachac@emacs.ch

Interests include: #Emacs, #OrgMode, #elisp, #nodejs, #python, #sketchnotes, #parenting, #cooking, #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #lego, #captioning, #plover #steno, and #stoic philosophy. Originally from Manila, now in Toronto. Married to a Vim guy (go figure) and raising a 7-year old (editor preference unknown), along with two very loud cats.

Blog: https://sachachua.com (mostly Emacs News these days), sketches: https://sketches.sachachua.com. I also maintain planet.emacslife.com and subed.el

george @christgf@fosstodon.org

Markus Wennrich @mwennrich@fosstodon.org

EBugat 🐾🐾 @Sprocket@mastodon.online

-- Mottó -----------------‐‐------------------‐----
"...kergettem, ott maradt, cirógattam, elszaladt..." - napjaim egy pulival #nogradifulop
-- Zene, macska, kert, konyha -------
#nogradikertem #nograditigrincs #nogradipicur #nogradifolci #nogradicsopi #estizene #nogradikonyham
-- Sport, hobbi --------------‐----------------
#GoZwift #Garmin #beatyesterday
-- Egyéb --------------------------‐‐-------------
#atmoskazan #favalfutok #fedi22

Matt @linux_nerd@mstdn.social

Cloud engineer working on switching from VMware to Azure or another public cloud. Linux addict and currently learning GO lang. Been working in IT for way too long now, almost have the grey beard also.

Looking for anything techy, programming, scifi, fantasy or whatever my interests are for the week

norianya :verified: @norianya@mastodon.cloud

anyuka, csokifüggő 👮🏻‍♀️, ja és rohadt bonyolult agyam van...

Iain Lowe @iainlowe@mstdn.ca

janope @haaszjanos@mastodon.world

wannabe berlini, wannabe villamosvezető, aki addig is budapesti és írogat.
szereti az arsenalt, az unicumot, meleg vízben dögleni és a depresszióját.

heydorka @heydorka@mastodon.social

kedves tourette-szindromas • 🇭🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧 • design ops lead

steve @stevexu@hachyderm.io

I solve more problems then I create. Senior Site Reliability Engineer at GitLab http://gitlab.com/steveazz Ramblings at https://steveazz.xyz