technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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independent cinema, techno, jazz, algorave, mechanical keyboards, boardgames, indie games, generative art, biking, feminism, education, functional programming, tools for thought, HCI, it security, privacy, ethics, ...

Humberto Anjos

Either a developer or an enterprise architect, although I only get paid for the latter...

Some hashtags (too SEO-ey?):

- Places: #Brazil, #Brasil, #Brasilia
- Code: #ProgrammingLanguages, #Clojure, #Java, #Lua
- General nerdiness: #BoardGames, #RPG, #SciFi, #Fantasy, #Space, #Discworld, #Storytelling, #StarWars
- Music: #ProgressiveRock, #Fusion, #Jazz, #Rock, #HeavyMetal, #Rush, #LedZeppelin, #MahavishnuOrchestra, #SpocksBeard, #StevenWilson, #IronMaiden, #Genesis, #Transatlantic, #Elder, #KingCrimson, #FrankZappa
- Sports: #Futebol, #Soccer, #WorldCup, #Palmeiras, #NBA
- World: #Geopolitics, #Investing
- etc: #UrbanExploration, #Whisky


Lisp enjoyer.

[marsh] has moved!

high-tech skills, low-tech ambitions.
For work, I run, an org that forecasts the future of rivers and monitors natural and conserved spaces.

For not work, I'm running, gardening, making music, and searching for the intersection of mysticism, art, and technology. I live with my family in Massachusetts.


making the world a better, weirder place

wakest ⁂

I am in #Berlin for a month and would love to meet with anyone who reads this message!



moved to @dcreemer

Conor McDermottroe

I'm a software developer for CircleCI. I'm also a competitive rifle shooter for Ireland and Dublin University Rifle Club.

Unixorn - 90% Snark by weight

Have GNU, Will Travel.

I'm an #SRE in Denver. Don't contact me about cryptocoin bullshit, I'm not interested in supporting #griftcoin in any way.

I mostly talk about #cooking, #cats and #homeassistant.

#fedi22 #adhd #neurodiversity #cats #foodie #cooking #zsh #homeassistant #smarthome #homeautomation #opensource #foss #python #scifi #sre #devops #voteblue


tired blip

Part software developer, part sailor, part music enthusiast, part competitive robotics commentator and referee. Happiest where saltwater and mountains are both nearby in the physical world, and in human-scale, thoughtful communities in the digital realm.

San Juan Islands, WA in the winter; nomadic-ish in the summer.

Response times: 5 milliseconds or 5 days, honestly.


John Doty