technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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Eveline Raine



Software Engineer / Dev Manager from the #Chicago area, hackin' on semantic-to-a-fault web tech since '98.

Likes: #Lisp, #Scheme, #Clojure, #Emacs, #Guix, and the #web (the hypertext dream, semantics and #a11y, and even the ugly scheme: #JavaScript).

Hates: Gods and Masters. (Also Java.)

(string/replace everywhere #"(Java)+(Script)?" "Clojure$2")


CS researcher at University of Oslo. Mostly reading, rarely writing, hope that's ok


middle-aged human. Chicago.

Jessica F. McGrath

Telecom veteran, project manager, compliance officer, animal lover, liberal queer ADHD mom. Gamer and omninerd. Human swiss army knife of hobbies and trivia.


podcast editor, mix engineer, computer user
interests: techno, continental philosophy, geometry, cs

Georgimus Prime

I build and host websites when I'm working and promote humanism when I'm not.
I would like to spend more time writing, drawing and making things.
Linux user.
Male/Cis/Het, Atheist, Feminist, LGBTQIA+ ally/advocate, etc (probably one of those "woke leftists").
Nigerian/Cameroonian, currently living in Nigeria.

Profile header is a quote from Gene Roddenbery which starts "In a very real sense, we are all aliens on a strange planet. We spend most of our lives trying to reach out and communicate..."

Abhinav 🌏

Programming languages aficionado, occasional runner, quantified-self enthusiast, and fervent napper. Works as senior software engineer at Google.

If you want to follow me, please make sure your profile has some info that helps me learn about you.

Emile Snyder

Many interests, little time. Unschooling parent. I would like to talk with more thoughtful and empathetic people with whom I don't agree. Periodically I am very sad. Wrassle computers for money.


I work on web at I like emacs, linux, movies, billiards, antiques, wine, beer, spirits, pipes and pipe tobacco.

Kyle Harrington

Computer scientist. Scientific computing, image analysis, and artificial life. Views are my own and do not reflect my employers. Web:

makkin thing

I try to make funky stuff. Lots of physical UI/UX, human-computer interfaces, other messing around.
#nobot #noindex