technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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Philip McGrath

I'm very slightly more active here than on the bird site (where, in my first 5 years, I posted twice, both times in response to public radio stories).


Computational linguist, artificer, λ(data). Syntactician with semanticist delusions. Theatre artist. Anti-Taylorist. Continuous everywhere, differentiable nowhere. Boosts are multivalent. He/they.

Paul Rohr

Dad, startup guy. Ideas matter. Data matters. It's about we, not me.


Robey ☠️

A wizard appears. He looks grumpy.

#programming #retrocomputing #firmware #leftist #fedi22

Michel Lind :fedora: :debian:

#Meta production engineer working on #Linux userspace, longtime #Fedora contributor, #Debian maintainer.

#Midwest #USA transplant, mostly harmless.

avatar: bespectacled man wearing a CentOS T-shirt


Jesse T. Alford

Is Experiential Development a Thing Yet?

I've worked on "distributed systems" "in the cloud" for a decade now and I'm still not sure if we can trust 'em.

Recently resigned a role as a technology lead on Cloud Foundry at VMware, exploring future possibilities.

jacqueline 🌟

she/they. i'm gay.

Kiëd Llaentenn

Jan Stępień

Bringing balance to parentheses.

📸 @jan


I'm a just a small town AAA graphics programmer in Chicago. I worked on Gears 5 and Gears Tactics. My work is under NDA, but my personal projects are not.

I like to post about my personal research, various side projects, and I like to think out loud a lot. Expect lots of weird humor, esoteric ramblings, and occasionally also art I made out of math. 🏳️‍⚧️

Curses are just blessings with caveats.