The Kyiv Independent [unofficial]
Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine
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Used to be somebody
Ráithold Cooperative Union
Ráithold is a Prefigurative, Federated Union of Cooperatively Organized, Sociocraticly Managed Intentional Communities. Economic Democracy For Social Democracy. Contact the organizer directly @muiren
Ukrainekrieg übersetzt
Ukrainekrieg übersetzt: Berichtige Übersetzungsfehler maschineller Übersetzungen humane Übersetzungen auf meinem TG 🇷🇺 born, East 🇩🇪 raised, 🇺🇦 married
Ben Matthews
Do: develop model of climate, future world pathways ...
Live: vallée de la Meuse, Belgique
r/w: english, français, 中文, português, español, [???ский], scala, js, music, other langs ...
My main account where I post about my interactive scala model, climate, other 'expert' topics is now at @benjhm
Here is just an experimental account to follow news, world affairs, probably I won't post much here, but glad to discuss.
Clare Bailey
peace socialism
Eric Bowen
Running my own Mastodon instance... because I can!
Technologist, News Junkie, Former Paratrooper, Sailor, Skier, Photographer… #Colorado #Minnesota
50-something cis white male American... trying to be a better ally to everyone that doesn't share my privilege.
Peggy Hilliard
Traveller, Mother, Grandmother, Techie and writer Retired IT Project Manager, based (loosely) in Toronto, Ontario #Covid #Onpoli #Cdnpoli