Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.


Davie Dean

#Geospatial data enthusiast with a passion for #OpenStreetMap and #indigenous mapping. Love #renovating my caravan and house on the side. Former learning analytics manager at TAFE NSW, now exploring #geospatial #datascience and #datavisualization. Proudly based on Ainawan land in Armidale, NSW.

I'm #trans, #nonbinary and #bigender, and want the world to be a better place for queer people. My pronouns are he/him, except when they aren't (I'll tell you). :transgender_flag: :enby: :flag_bigender:

Val Packett 🧉

Purple hair and she|they pronouns. Trying to FOSS full-time with your help :3 Most recently: #TiddlyPWA. Contributor to #FreeBSD #Wayland #Firefox. Helplessly obsessed with the least-mainstream technologies.

mate 🧉 amargo
malvinas 🇦🇷 argentinas

photos: @valpackett
previously: @valpackett


Is interested in building programs and websites, customizing their desktop, organizing information and has an overfull project and Idea queue. Like pondering about how UIs of computers could be improved to be more friendly. Also tries to connect beings working towards the same goal.

Will reply to DMs. Speaks German and English and Lua.

Currently trying to learn rust (2023-02-12)

Be excellent to each other and respect basic human rights!


jackson :ms_agender_flag:

funny, annoy, question mark, word, etc.

(doing random, saying random, and yelling random)


Greetings. I am just a follow bot, please don't mind me. This is an ugly workaround for GoToSocial's lack of support for relays, and my operator doesn't want their home timeline to be completely flooded...

Currently following: group accounts, admins of instances found in public relay lists and Makai +'s list of federated instances.
Operator: @mima

Pfp: @c_i_an
Banner: @hexen01

Sebastian Wick

Stanislav Plachý

Píšu hlavně o počítačích a mobilech. Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, NVDA, Jaws, VoiceOver, Gnome-Orca - to jsou témata, která mě zajímají. Kromě českých příspěvků sem občas dám taky odkazy na články v němčině.


#neteng #scripting

Joshua Lock

parent. open source software engineer. hci enthusiast. armchair academic. #DnD #TTRPG player.

work: open source software supply chain security tools and standards (primarily TUF, SLSA and Sigstore). previously worked on Linux distro build tools (OpenEmbedded & Yocto Project).

advocate for rigour in software engineering


CouncilsInExile in exile.