Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.



Tad Fisher

Android eng at Mercury

Nicholas La Roux

Developer, musician, and environmentalist. 🇺🇲 🇨🇦 🇯🇵

Benny Powers 🇨🇦️🇮🇱️

gefilte ficcionado | semitic #html

From #Jerusalem 🦁️, #Israel 🇮🇱. The #Torah is a musical instrument. My #Judaism is a work-in-progress

Helps make #FreeSoftware #WebComponents and #DesignSystems at #RedHat. Runs #fedora #GNU / #Linux with gusto. Does #Typescript; #nvim, mostly in #lua. #Mentor. Teaches #RaspberryPi and #MicroBit to kids.


This site represents no one but myself

Brage Fuglseth

Developer and designer. I spend my free time making your apps look great and fighting my terrible code. Part of the GNOME Circle Committee.

Niels De Graef

FLOSS contributor

Kowalski Dragon

Solving problems by creating bigger ones.


Ich suche hier nach der großen Liebe.
Ich bin linksradikal.

Peter Skopek


Hi, i'm Ciopor


Geek. Does MQTT/IoT by day (Eclipse Amlen). Views definitely my own.

Sebastian Fritz

With this instance I'm trying things out to learn more about maintaining an instance and the fediverse.
Worked as excavation driver in #demolition
Learned BMW service technician, added master mechanic.
Worked in consumer protection, ended in private cloud business as an #openshift / #kubernetes engineer.
Chaotic, minimalistic, I'm nothing without my family and friends.
<a rel="me" href="">