Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.


Adrian Cochrane

A browser developer posting mostly about how free software projects work, and occasionally about climate change.

Though I do enjoy german board games given an opponent.

Pronouns: he/him


@FlatpakApps contributor, @usebottles developer, @gnome Foundation and Fedora Project member. @vanillaos developer.

I write articles and responses for educational purposes.

Description of avatar: Chrome-chan smiling.
Avatar by Princess Hingboi


Biotehnolog | Neformalno izobraževanje na preseku umetnosti in znanosti | Sodelovanje z umetniki
Biotechnologist | Non-formal education at the intersection of art and science | Collaboration with artists
#diy #biohack #artscience

stevenspriggs :verified:

#UX Engineer at #RedHat working with web standards and #WebComponents in #DesignSytems. Based in Morgantown #WV. #WVU alumnus. A #skiing #hiking #climbing #PADI #SDI certified diver and general #outdoors enthusiast.


Your linux desktop witch. 🪄

Working at system76 on Pop!_OS. 
Programming, Rust 🦀, Games 🎮, 🤷‍♀️
Catgirl? I can neither deny nor confirm that. 🙀

:heart_trans: :lesbian_heart: :heart_polyam: Be Gay, Do Crimes

If you wanna follow me, put something in your bio or write an introduction!

Matteo Brunati

Web addicted, #openness lover.
Member of Spaghetti Open Data, IWA Italy - Free Software Foundation Europe supporter. -

Juan Rafael Fernández

En software libre desde 1997, traductor, autor de documentación, ex docente, aprendiz de filósofo (filosofía de la ciencia, metaética). ES EN FR

Josh Buchea


Dad, husband, Software Engineer.

Was arrested & convicted of a felony for selling marijuana in 2011/2012. Changed my trajectory and transitioned to a career in tech.

Currently helping reverse climate change at a global reforestation startup. Building a mobile app with #ReactNative.

Living with #MECFS since 2013, #LongCOVID since 2020. 
#WearAMask #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 😷

#Neurodivergent #Autistic #ADHD #SocialJustice #ClimateCrisis #SolarPunk #Tech #OSS #IndieWeb

Timothée Ravier

CoreOS engineer at Red Hat :redhat:, Fedora Silverblue :silverblue: and Fedora Kinoite maintainer :Kinoite:, KDE developer :kde: and KDE Apps maintainer on Flathub :flatpak:.

Mostly boosts about security, systemd, :linux:, :rust:, :golang:, :androidalt:, :fedora:, :redhat:, :kde:, :plasma:, :gnome:, :k8s:, :flatpak:, :Kinoite:, :silverblue:, and some French politics.

Searchable via tootfinder (

Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

Red Hat desktop engineering manager, Fedora ambassador, member of GNOME Foundation, supporter of Slavia Prague.

Interests: #Linux #desktop #opensource #Fedora #football #renewables #books #hiking #travelling

Felipe Borges :gnome:

Desktop developer at Red Hat. Maintainer of GNOME Settings and Boxes. Former Board member #GNOME Foundation. Fedora Silverblue evangelist. Immigrant.

Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

I'm a software developer developer, a scared transgirl, a poet and a futurist in a world with no future.
I want to make the world a better place

I'm flirty and cute, but just to share love in the world, I'm taken <3


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