Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.



Is interested in building programs and websites, customizing their desktop, organizing information and has an overfull project and Idea queue. Like pondering about how UIs of computers could be improved to be more friendly. Also tries to connect beings working towards the same goal.

Will reply to DMs. Speaks German and English and Lua.

Working on some web stuff (2023-11-06)

Be excellent to each other and respect basic human rights! :progress_pride:


Emmanuele Bassi

Geek, husband, lover, software developer, Londoner. Not necessarily in that order.


Proud #GTK and #GNOME dev; member of the GNOME Foundation.

You may remember me for my work at OpenedHand, Intel, Endless, and the GNOME Foundation. Otherwise, you heard about me being a scary person on the Internet.

Opinions are always my own, but if you don't like them that's too bad.


Software Engineer. Open source enthusiast



I post mostly in English, about #sustainability, the #EnvironmentalCrisis and the #environment, #SurveillanceCapitalism, and #FLOSS.

I've an alt @silmathoron where I do the same, only in French.

I tend to boost a lot, so don't hesitate to mute my boosts if you feel overwhelmed (three dots on my profile > "Hide boosts from @silmathoron")

Most of my posts are automatically deleted after a year.



I'm just a blind geek who's main hobbies include sound design, accessibility especially of games, podcasting, books and movies/TV (mainly SCI-Fi and lit RPG), and programming. Regularly do let's plays with @talon as @pg13lp. Game database editor and newsposter on Most of my sound design work can be found on and various games.

Aman Das :silverblue: :rstats:

#Stats Undergraduate, isical. #OpenSource fanatic. My interests are varied: #interactivefiction #reading #exercising #climatechange

I wish to help build a kinder world.

Wren Reilly

I once worked with goats. I moved into tech.This was a mistake. 
Expect sheep, wool, and textile history. Also birbs. Infosec on occasion. 
I use content warnings for topics and images that can trigger PTSD. I do not use them to shield people ***without*** trauma from experiencing racism, sexism, transphobia, and other forms of discrimination. If you can ignore politics, you’re not likely in need of content warnings for much of anything, really.

Avatar: me holding a baby goat.


Human being.

Interests: Computer-human interfaces, free software/open source, software development, user experience, web standards, game design, human history, linguistics, urbanism, typography, photography, drawing, etc.

Say hi to


gaymer. infosec. FOSS. co-host of @HackerRadioShow. Columbia University '18.

#infosec #privacy #FOSS #KDE #freesoftware #p2p #GNU #Linux #gaymer #LGBT #queer #NYC #NewYork #Manhattan #socialism #socialist #DSA #numtot #urbanism #trains #fedi22 #2600

unixviking :linux: :freebsd:

* Unix * GNU/Linux * Ex-Sys Admin * Classic ThinkPad-Lover * Privacy Activist * Sweden-Fan * Volvo 945-Driver * Book Nerd * Generation X * Austria/Vienna-based *