
Open on

varia is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. As varia members, we maintain and facilitate a collective infrastructure from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. We work with free software, organise events and collaborate in different constellations. varia figures things out as they go, tries to keep notes, is multilingual, has open hours and can be contacted at info[@]



Former translator of books & essays about art, theory, society, technology, based in Linz, Austria; liberated from other people's deadlines (i.e. retired) in 2018.
After living two years in Calafou, now living in Willy-Fred-Haus.

Ed Summers

I'm a software developer and design researcher working with the web and memory, especially practices like curation, preservation and sustainability.

If you'd like to follow me please make sure your profile or pinned posts have some info about the amazing assemblage that is you.


no new news from notwork!

A self-taught polymath working on imaginary media from obsolete trash. In addition, for 2.2 days a week teacher in different institutions!



artist and coder


Expressive type designer. Co-pilot of since 2011. Enthusiast cook / baker / fermenter. Also a former secular scout. Father of a kid with Hurler Syndrome.

#TypeDesign #Typefaces #OpenSource #HurlerSyndrome #Cooking #fedi22

andreas bülhoff

library of artistic print on demand
tab talks



experiments in online gardening

mycology, ayurveda, queer poetry

all labels are temporary


Part-human assemblage from Ireland.

I arrange artworks from paint, wood, plastic, raspberry pi, people, words, dialogues, arduino, sensors, fungi, web tech, light and code. These artworks are about the effect of technology on human and nonhuman behaviours in rural environments.

Currently making kin with lichen and chasing the púca.

As of Nov 2022: not accepting follows from people without profile information – sorry. It's just too manic in here right now.


Nolwenn Maudet

Designer d'interaction & chercheuse en design. Enseignante-chercheuse à l'université de Strasbourg
Interaction designer & design researcher
Associate professor of design at the University of Strasbourg