Gay Violet

Open on

Anarchist collective of headmates trying to make life work. Super gay, much trans, pretty autistic. Amateur computer toucher.

Please don't follow if you are a minor as we like to post lewd things occasionally.

💜 means platonic affection.

💖 @careth 💖
💖 @NebulaSys 💖

There are lots of us, but these are the people most likely to post:

🟪 Violet - they/them system voice
💽 Emily - she/her, they/them
🧊 Cube - they/them, any neopronouns
🎶 Melody - she/her, they/them
🪄 Winter - she/her
❄️ Snow - she/her
⛓️ Nixie - she/they

🟪 means all of us as a whole collective, not a distinct headmate.

Other emoji are for people who know them.


Edna (elle) :QueerCat_Trans: • Sleeping Beauty of Spiders

she / elle
feel free to befriend me O:)

queer czech trans girls living in france /
queer fille trans tchèque vivant en france
funny spinoziste rigolote
librarian /
bibliothécaire in Paris (beginner)

NEWLY : transwitch, I do Tarot readings in exchange for money for trans associations, see the post pinned below and tag me for more info or requests
/ banner = Izzy with Jazz at the tea room in Bridlewood
/ avatar = my selfie... in the elevator, as always
/ i don't accept follows from accounts w/ 0 posts.
« you are so sweet Edna ❤️ » @yassie_j
« I’m rooting for you! » @bellenoir

Sophie Jane

Older. Trans. Lesbian. She/her
On fedi since 2017
Trying to be kinder and more open
Accepting fewer follow requests

feral wife material :neofox_nom_blob_nervous:

pretend computer toucher :blobfoxcomputerohno:
probably thinks youre cute :blobfoxpleading:

the arctic focks of ur dreams~ :sparkles_fiery:​

Tepid Enthusiasm :transbian:

:neurodiversity:​ :polyamory_icon: ​:demigirl_flag:
Polyam, trans, lesbian with interests in everything exciting.
She/Her/Yours :shyplead:

Horny demisexual, will sometimes post, boost, or interact with NSFW content. Also, I may flirt with cute girls and girl-esque beings.

Follow requests are on, please interact if you want to follow. (because I always forget to check them)

Finally living in a place I feel comfortable (Seattle), feel free to hit me up if you wanna meet up for anything.

Iris the alter

I’m an alter, called Iris. I am diagnosed with #cptsd, #dissociativeidentitydisorder, #borderlinepersonalitydisorder, and #schizophrenia. This is my place to explore my identity.
Posts from alters other than me will be signed. May be nsfw. No minors.

Zoe G

hallo! feel free to say hi
she/they, nb trans fem, 24, autistic, KH🗝💙🌑
some of my interests: games (video, board, and ttrpg), musical theatre, theme park design, technology

jay (old profile)

Newly out nonbinary ?transfem? person
This is my account for gender stuff I don’t want on main.

Default privacy level for this account is followers-only. Feel free to request a follow.

Gonna be selfies, long genderdumps (probably short ones too), and lots of questions.

Emily Love (she/her) :queercat_trans: :queercat_ace:

#autistic #trans woman, #feminist, #polyamorous, #asexual, #panromantic, #socialist, #pianist, #artist, software engineer. she/her

I live in a big house with my primary partner Erica in Chicago. We run a little commune with our two cats Bubs and Dario, and a rotating cast of guests who stay with us. I’m a white transgender woman, and have been on hormones since 2019. In my spare time I like to play the piano, watch TV, and play video games or board games. I can get really hooked into engineering based games like Kerbal Space Program, and Factorio. I also love messing with home automation projects, and was a big contributor to the project in the past! I still use it today at home.

I run ✨ ✨ with my partner Erica!


My previous instance shut down without warning so I'm rebuilding all my connections. That means new bio time!

Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a
#queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.

Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.

Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.
Old accounts: (2023-07-19 to 2023-08-22) (2023-05-29 to 2023-07-20) (2020-08-29 to 2023-06-17)


We're a plural collective of queer and nebulous creatures occupying this cozy little corner of the Internet - you can call us Nebula, or Nebby for short!

Our interests and general info about us is in a pinned toot on this profile, and member details can be found in the System Info link below.

Our favorite games are Night in the Woods, Celeste, and Bloodborne.

💖 @L0ngtail 💖
💖 @violet 💖

🔞 Occasional 18+ posts/boosts, no minors

Emoji Indicators:
📝 - Beth - She/Her
🪶 - Lukie - She/Her, They/Them
💫 - Qeli - She/They
🗝️ - Cass - She/Her
🍭 - Kate - She/Her
🌀 - Blank - They/Them
🌌 - Nebula (system posts) - They/Them

Indigo Trader

"No man is an island" (Donne)
"Are we not men?" (Devo)

We are not, we are ... complicated.

This is a fallback account for @indigotrader

#nobot #nosearch

clover 🌿

A quiet forest creature looking for gentle friendships and opportunities to help others.

Exhausted tech career escapee; plant and computer mom; chronic-pain haver; bubbly and shy at the same time.

#ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #fibromyalgia #Oregon #trans

~ ~ ~

* Avatar: a heavily edited still from an anime. A light-skinned woman with brown hair smiling. A trans flag background has been added

* Header: a photograph of a half-developed clover blossom, blurry clover leaves in the background

#noBot #noArchive #noSearch #ACAB #NoTERFs