Jonas Chevalier 🦙 :Twitter_Verified_Badge:

Open on

I like to build little tools: direnv, treefmt, ...

Bringing open source to companies with Numtide.


Pratham Patel :nixos:

segfauts everywhere | अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च

Evan 🐍🦀🦕

Sr Software Engineer @ Lofty. Python, Typescript, Vue3, React, and any thing that lets me use FP. Spare time Rust and Purescript.

Michal Sojka

Researcher at CTU, CIIRC; Embedded and real-time systems; Linux :tux:; FOSS, #NixOS, #Emacs :emacs:, #JuliaLang


#Bayesian, #Emergence, #Complexity, #Information amateur. Ex-#Physics, Ex-#Seismology. Now professional generalist working in the IT industry on #DataEngineering, #Mlops, #Reproducibility with #NixOS, and #FunctionalProgramming. Living in #Paris 🗼. Passing time with #Music, #Tango and #Books.

Hussein Al Abry


Lots of unread books.

Michael Maclean

Developer, software architect, former sailor, occasional photographer, sometime cyclist, full-time geek.


Sebastian Ullrich

makes Lean at Lean FRO

Martin Gausby

musicmatze :rust: :nixos:

Rust, NixOS, Minimal/Techno/Trance/PsyTrance

:rust: :nixos: :neovim: :ms_music_notes:

Languages: EN , DE

Works on Rust OSS professionally and fulltime <3

(Came from, joined mastodon first in 2018)

Alessandro Re

My language is compiled
My country is the internet
My god is The Demo God
My game is coding for fun

D. Creemer

🇨🇦🇺🇸. Health Engineering @ 🍎. I post about #software #rustlang #cats, #rabbits, #housing, and #disability. Feminist. He/Him. Tooting via #hamradio @ N6DAC. SF Bay Area. Ask me about Usher Syndrome.