New Blog slash Archive

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

It’s the weekend and much like the week I’m here behind the keyboard doing online things. I’ve been trying to get a proper use for Logarion for a while now, and orbitalfox has made a lot of really good changes to the software.

Now we’re here, I’ve had a love-meh relationship with kiln’s blog system, I really love it for static pages, but not so much for the whole blogging thing. So here I am mixing my site generators like a heathen, the blog content will be moving over to the Logarion archive. Easy no ?

I also discovered that writing directly in nano connected to SSH is a bad idea, because I just got booted off. I should probably use screen for this. Mañana problem.

Anyways, I’ve got to start copying over some data, fixing some publishing triggers, so brb while I do my thing.

Also because I’m cool, I’m using the domain as a URL shortener. Take that world !