Hello Again Plume

blog.sus.fr reborn, kind of

You know, I really missed my creation on blog.sus.fr (RIP machine with blown out fan). Sure I have my wordpress which is also lovely, but she’s not the same beast.


I’ve been running, and I say that in the least literal way, fedi.paris for about a year. I know it is a year because I have to renew the domain tomorrow and I’m hoping that I can get a free couple days before it is suspended out of the DNS zone for non-payment, that is until I am able to transfer it over to a cheaper registrar.

There is also the problem of fedi.paris being hosted on Oracle, they’re always stopping and killing services randomly, so I found a cheapo VPS provider that I can afford to let run monthly and properly setup Plume using postgres. Last time I was using SQLite3 and with that the whole thing absolutely came to a grinding halt when I had too many posts in the DB.

Bref, voilà, this is where I am with fedi.paris as I write this.

You ask, why have another blog, well the answer is that it isn’t. I’ve never been happy with WP’s ActivityPub plugin and on my webhost it really doesn’t work at all, so I’m going to run the same articles on oh.mg and also fedi.paris. Right now I’m importing the LJ posts en masse and connections are slowly being remade since shifting the domain over to bunny.

Speaking of bunny, this is what I’m trying out too. I’ve been learning how to run a site through the CDN without being a problem, and this is my real production test. The current VPS also doesn’t have IPv6, so this is another real run I’m giving to running a he.net IPv6 tunnel in production.

Really, I guess you could say this isn’t a prod server but more of a test server. You’d be right, but fuck you all the same.

Anyways, that is the update here. Enjoy.