LJ Post 1282926

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 17:27 I appear to not be able to get AOLSync to sync Calendar entries. Back to OVI it is! #
  • 17:27 I just added Twitter to my Lifestream. Check out my page: lifestream.aol.com/stream/kevincostelloe #
  • 17:28 I appear to not be able to get AOLSync to sync Calendar entries.  Back to OVI it is! #
  • 20:21 My phone just went internet crazy connecting to wifi and 3G i made it stop by deleting my wifi profiles and making it confirm only. #
  • 21:39 @FagHagMom I LOL'd in IRL #
  • 21:56 It makes me feel a bit odd when I say this, but I quite like this AOL logo. twitpic.com/1i5leq #
  • 22:24 @mkuplens Jeebus! #
  • 22:44 Oh snap. I just lost a dog somewhere.... #
