LJ Post 1288046

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 12:40 @pifflevalve Probably not. If the tories find a way in they'll just make it more excitingly sadistic. #
  • 12:41 @doug_graeme There are people in bristol who did as well. They should know better! #
  • 16:22 @pifflevalve De nile isn't just a bit of water trickling through Egypt... #
  • 16:23 @mkuplens You do realise now that you've told me not to, I will do it regardless. #
  • 20:30 Only I can be this unlucky, bank transfer went BACS, Western Union closed and low petrol. Don't mind me as I slit my wrists now. #
  • 21:17 @divaschematic I saw your tweets on my phone, so I logged in to Lifestream, you do not exist. I think you've angered the AOL. #
