LJ Post 1290077

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 17:22 @mkuplens oh noes :( #
  • 17:31 @divaschematic UKTV Gold used to do an omnibus at 6am saturdays but no more :( #
  • 17:34 I'm temporarily on another number until my blackberry service is switched on at month end! DM me for details. #
  • 18:27 Crackberry addicts send me your PINs #
  • 18:38 @FagHagMom I <3 u for your #ff #
  • 18:53 What is occurin' twitpic.com/1nqkx4 #
  • 20:12 Tonight I think I'll just fall asleep! #
  • 23:04 @FagHagMom served by jack himself? #
  • 23:18 @FagHagMom oooh err missus! I may have to follow @jackmackenroth now (and buy some JD) #
  • 23:36 Gah I can't seem to download google voice app to blackberry #sadface #
