LJ Post 989052

Rejoyce or something - Originally posted to LiveJournal


Although this is a new blog here on thems thar internet, please don’t hink I’m some kind of internet n00b, I’ve been bashing the keys since the ripe old age of 10 when I first discovered that thre was this whole BBS business going on and it was (as the irish say) grand. Until of course the phone bill came in, then not so good.

Since then I have been watching what was once a quiet area in the world become the spam capital of the entire universe. So much so I bet you’re not even a human, you’re yet another spam bot trying to spread your slime across the world. Jerk bag. Sigh.

I can’t tell you what I’m going to do with this blog to be honest, I’ve used LiveJournal and VOX and quite frankly I’ve got bored. When I first started on LJ it was all nice and cool where it was truely a community, now it’s just another advertising riddled thing on the web and for that it sucks. AND DON’T YOU START ON ME. I have google advertising on my blog here because it scrapes together some pennies for my friend Jonska and his internet writing website, so I’m doing good through evil (although the site is bare at the moment due to a server move, he’s promising me that his writings will go back on soon, which I most certainly hope he will, or I shall kill him).

For now though, trying to swing this back on topic, I’m becoming interested in the art of retro computing. I’m trying to source a Comodore PET, although I may have to settle for some kind of C64/128 instead, unless you have a working one and don’t demand a king’s ransom. That should be good fun if I can get one. Anyways, for now I leave you in peace and I might make some kind of effort to post some crap later today, this my only full day off in the week. So have fun, and remember “strap it up before you slap it up”.

Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there.
