LJ Post 991171

You8217ll find I8217m rather unimpressed - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Today I had two moments of vast annoyance and only one was really funny. In the magical call centre I spend most, if not all my time, I do have my selected people who I have little time for. It’s unfortunate, but in the robot uprising at least somebody has to die in the battle or else it’s not really an uprising now is it?

The first one was indeed rather amusing, I received a call for her which I made the effort to transfer to the banshee through a dial group (because you can’t imagine the drama I get for dialing these people direct) and her manager type picked up, mind you I could see her [the intended recipient] gabbing away ignoring her phone. When her manager picked up I said “I have a call for XX”, to which she responded, “she’s not on the phone, pass it to me and I’ll do it”. Moments later and one dumped phone call (which is also a cardinal sin) I hear the banshee cry “IF YOU’RE GOING TO DUMP CALLS AT LEAST TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, I refrained from standing up and responding with “bitch, you got served by yo manager ho”.

The next event was the one that annoyed me most, today having a supreme number of calls to my name (87 bizzatch) I was rather busy in both my logins, I get a call with a squeeling of “I do not understaaaaaaaaand, plstakethecall” so I close up one job and mutter “wellifyouinsistonbeingcrapwellok”. The call “just to let you know, X is coming on wednesday not thursday. Ok?” “Ok” *end call*. Thanks for helping out, team work and shit.

Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there.
