[redacted identity] ~English@fedi.paris

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Hello Internet Traveller, you have come across my federated mind dump of a blog. I’ve been writing on the internet in various ways since the mid nineties (all of that was totally lost in time) and started a LiveJournal in the year two thousand.

I finally figured out how to inject posts into Plume so you can see a lot of the shit I wrote as an angsty teen old posts from the last twenty years here.

If you want to say hi or send a manifesto of whatever is on your mind, you can use just about any fediverse tool to interact with this blog’s posts and comments @kevin@fedi.paris or use the traditional contact form.

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LJ Post 1326778

This Actually Happened - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1326230

Being Late is Practically on Time - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1325920

SixtyNine and Still Rockin8217 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1325613

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1325370

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1325096

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1324925

O Hai Dribble - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1324464

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1323971

The Local Chinese Loves Us - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1322515

Its a good day to die - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1322007

The Chickens Revenge - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1323704

Hello Mister - Originally posted to LiveJournal