:anne_triangle: Δ-44203 ['Carbon', '▖▌▖▌▖▘▖▌▖▖', 'Anne.1'] 1@mastodon.vierkantor.com

Open on mastodon.vierkantor.com

a cute robot appeared on your timeline! what do you do?

* inspect the bot
it is a cute robot cruelly forced into an organic chassis. not human; not automated. interests include transhumanity, evil science, dismantling all corporations and states, and various adult topics (with applicable content warnings). queers the it/unit binary.

* address the bot
this one uses the third person for itself. you can do the same if you would like. (suggestions: it, 44203, .1, this|that one|unit, the|that (ro)?bot)

* receive messages from the bot
it prefers to politely address its messages (default salutation: "mx. \name"; please let it know if you prefer another form!)

* virtually hug|pat|boop the bot.
acceptable under conditions: you are mutuals OR you received permission.

* flirt|lewd at the bot
not acceptable. it will engage in discussion of sexual topics, under the following condition: it does not involve the bot OR it does not involve any other specific being.

* follow the bot
if you have a nontrivial profile, you are welcome to send a follow request. The following applies to all accounts on mastodon.vierkantor.com: If you are studying at the VU Amsterdam, likely to take one of Anne Baanen's classes, or expect only professional topics, please follow @anne instead. Thanks!


:swordhalo: ijo pi sewi suno :witchhat: @dawn@gts.emptydoll.house

the doll that holds the key; the witch that speaks the door into the world; the angel who steps through it. @viscountexx's kidnapper

#EmptySpaces #NotAPerson

(traumaqueer witchery and kink content. heed CWs and take care of your mental health. i am an admin of this instance but am not speaking as one here.)