Lena ⏥ 1ynx@tech.lgbt

Open on tech.lgbt

Name's Lena. I like: other women, programming, standards and privacy. I don't like: myself, slurs, fash, and bigots.

Feel free to send a follow request. Just don't have an empty profile.

Profile picture: A red cat laying it's head down on my pair of red, plaid pants with too many belts, as seen from my point of view. The cat is turned away from the camera and we're both laying on a sofa.

Banner: None.

DMs open 💕 <matrix:u/1ynx:matrix.org>



erin 💫 @erin@tired.umbreon.online

it/she · 20s-ish · computers, amirite

trauma and negative mental health vents in locked posts; tell me if you need any specific cw's. worse things at @lewderin
