Lord of lez Strings 🏄🏻‍♂️ 🎯 🌴🍹🇳🇬 3T@annihilation.social

Open on annihilation.social
Construction Engineer, ex-bass guitar player, currently trader, always fixing things around for a lot of folks, math backed critical thinker, do it yourself kinda guy. Ze volk that killed random passvords beyond recover, FOSS inclined starting from 2009, occasionally bug hunter, privacy 1st security 2nd advocate, not buying predigested bs without an in-depth analysis.

Inventor of Celebrity thru anonymity' concept.

Discoverer of The Golden Nugget of Mixed Arrangements 🏆

xmpp reopened almost 24/7 : esktarxgf@xmpp-hosting.de

buy me a ginseng BTC: bc1q9ph6s344tfs3q8gm3k0mv57dfyl53tgwq6z5rygecehj5y8rjdvsyt65j3

#noindex #nobot #nobots #sarcasm #caustic #satire #sardonic

OrbitalMartian @orbitalmartian@alpha.polymaths.social

Dyslexic Artist, Programmer and Content Creator from the UK. 🇬🇧

!Commissions Closed!
