
Open on

26 | Neurodivers | :pansexual_flag: | :polyamory_flag: | Derzeit Ausbildung zum FiAe (3. Lehrjahr) |


moanos alt

Alt/Dark account of Very queer. Feel free to send follow request but I'll most likely will not accept it unless we follow each other. DMs from everyone welcome


Awareness-Team der #GPN. Also known as CARE (Chaos Awareness Response Entropians).
Während der GPN kannst du dich bei uns melden, wenn du reden möchtest. Über Diskriminierung, Grenzüberschreitung, Konflikte, Emotionen, ... Am besten über DECT oder Mail (Server-Admins können bei Mastodon DMs prinzipiell mitlesen)
During GPN you can contact us if you want to talk. About discrimination, transgressions, conflicts, emotions, ... Best via DECT or email (server admins can read DMs on Mastodon in principle).


You love programming during the night while eating Gulasch?

The GPN21 will take place from 8. to 11. June 2023 in Karlsruhe!

GPN Content Team

GPN21 - Ch(ea|i)p alternatives