Ezri EzriT@eldritch.cafe

Open on eldritch.cafe

22 bi tgirl | she / it / they | transfem | disabled | jew |NSFW 🔞

contains many, an angel turned combat doll, a demon, a bunny, a dog, a serval, a cute little arctic fox who is a doll and many more~


lawa pi ijo kiwen selo @viscountexx@gts.emptydoll.house

Main: @mindmeshlink@tenforward.social. 🔞
One admin of emptydoll.house. Hostage of the @dawn. We tend to the garden attached to the dollhouse, and its arthropod residents. Always using the Royal We.

Watch your step.

DM me a ✨ emoji if you follow request.

#EmptySpaces #MicroFiction #FaeBullshit

Caretaker @caretaker@gts.emptydoll.house

Hi! I'm the caretaker of the Empty Doll House. Please message me here or email me at admin@emptydoll.house for any issues!

Image c/o hanabii__ via picrew.me/image_maker/29413. Header c/o mildmayfoxe.