FnarFnar FnarFnar@mastodonapp.uk

Open on mastodonapp.uk

Barefoot running, Triathlon, bikes! (In that order actually). Into general nerd stuff as well (think obscure uses for plaintext, board/card/tabletop games, iOS Shortcuts and Linux).

Vegan btw.

All the photo’s I’m posting are by me (even the bad ones!) Retoots not so much.


ghose ⁂ 👣 @ghose@gts.xmgz.eu

🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.

aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.

GL | EN | ES

Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.

Traduzo Software Libre ao #galego.

:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (mstdn.io, toot.site)