Haru春 || Genna :boost: HaruEb@transfem.social

Open on transfem.social

Follow requests welcome!

Profile pic: An anime girl with purple hair in pigtails, wearing a black mask on her lower face
Banner: A plush shark spinning on a ceiling fan, with musical instruments in the background

If you like basically any of my posts, I will probably follow you

Strange loop within a concentration of low entropy, living in
#Meanjin on unceded Jagera/Turrbal land with my lovely wife and doggo. Justice for all.

I'm a practising
#CyberWitch and a player of the mighty Anglo #concertina.

The Australian Magpie is my spirit animal.

Interests include
#clouds #birds #insects #flowers #dogs #astronomy #folkmusic #art #photography #media #sculpture #space #philosophy #postmodernism #absurdism #socialjustice #witchcraft #paganism #folkmagic #solarpunk #etymology #archaeology #folkhistory

Kindness is the highest virtue.

I have ME/CFS and Bipolar
#spoonie and those really hinder my ability to be out in the world and socialise, so online socialising means a lot to me, replies are most welcome (though please ask first before being super affectionate )

I'm a shinx!!

My emotes:


hikari 🌟 (falling into the sky) @hikari@social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/

Moved to @loki@sleeping.town @loki@goto.hellsite.site


Hey there. You all know me, You all love me~
In case you don't though I'm Loki~! The tilde ("~" <- this guy!) is important!

I'm your local neigh-baah-hood non-binary sheep! I make coffee and sometimes I get off my stinky butt and do something productive! Like Painting models or being gay as fuck.

If you asterisk at me without asking you will learn what rapid decompression feels like.

This space is going to be arbitrarily nsfw so minors, kindly, fuck off. That goes for chasers and bots too. Not welcome here. Away with you, HARLOTS!