Indy Richard 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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I want to live in a better, more democratic Scotland as part of the family of European nations.
Studied physics before 30+ years in finance. Yes I worked on mainframes.
Passionate about childhood cancer, photography and the Hibs.
#FBPE - follow back pro EU
#FBSI - follow back Scottish independence


Dave Robinson

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial