JyrkiKuoppala JyrkiKuoppala@social.vivaldi.net

Open on social.vivaldi.net

ON. LL.B. going on LL.M. Founder @ Yhdenvertaisuusapu. #yhdenvertaisuus #neuromoninaisuus #LoppuSyrjinnälle #ihmisoikeudet #equality #neurodivergence

More active at the moment in Calckey, https://plasmatrap.com/@jyrkikuoppala - feel free to follow that too, works from Mastodon too.

Excited for the rise in distributed open systems again, reminds be of the 80/90's shift, start of Linux, irc, of which I was a part of by advocating for freeing the code and installing the 2nd server, after Oulu.
