N3VEM N3VEM@mastodon.radio

Open on mastodon.radio

Ham radio op N3VEM. Into HF mostly, but also run a repeater, and dabble with rockets a little bit as a cross-over hobby.

#UnitarianUniversalist - Respecter of the living web & justice is for everyone.

Ask me why I don’t own a microwave.

I have a day job, but it's not what defines me - I'd rather talk about #HamRadio, #ModelRockets, #SocialJustice, #Electronics, #DIY, #Making or anything else you are passionate about.

Might swear a little when angry. Sorry.


CJ @roguefoam@alpha.polymaths.social

Electrical Engineering student interested in amateur radio, foam blasters, and cinema. I post about my hobby projects and random various things at all hours of the day.

I hack hardware, play with radios, and am not sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends.

I'm neurodivergent!