RyeNCode RyeNCode@mstdn.ca
he/him; Software developer; Game player; dad-fellow; semi-colon enthusiast; if people call you "woke" as a pejorative: you're likely my kind of people;
Aaron @aaron@chirp.zadzmo.org
I work in tech: unix (any) sysadmin. He/him
Open source software; Lua programming; synth DIY; ecology; botany; photography; aerospace; NetBSD user
I don't worry if you don't follow back - do what you want with your timeline.
Profile photo: detail of a very ruffled, lace-like fern.
Header photo: A NAFO shibu inu dog in a Patagonia sweatervest, attaching Kontakt-1 explosive-reactive armor bricks to a Cray Supercomputer.