Zumbador Zumbador@mefi.social

Open on mefi.social

Masha du Toit, #writer of #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy, living in Cape Town, South Africa. #Autistic, Afrikaans, and #nonbinary 🙂

Post about #ThingsISaw, am fascinated by #etymology, love #cycling, have 5 pet #rats, fan of #criticalrole. #fedi22


blackle mori @suricrasia@lethargic.talkative.fish

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its

Eric @eric@geldmacher.io

Husband, and father of a 3.5 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University datacenter in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:
