Aaron aaron@chirp.zadzmo.org

Open on chirp.zadzmo.org

I work in tech: unix (any) sysadmin. He/him

Open source software; Lua programming; synth DIY; ecology; botany; photography; aerospace; NetBSD user

I don't worry if you don't follow back - do what you want with your timeline.

Profile photo: detail of a very ruffled, lace-like fern.
Header photo: A NAFO shibu inu dog in a Patagonia sweatervest, attaching Kontakt-1 explosive-reactive armor bricks to a Cray Supercomputer.


LindaMarie @lindamarie@toad.social

Looking for the truth.

Trying to find the helpers.

Ben Haylock :mastodon: @zbender@mastodon.cloud

Mainly: Video product × platform × design × arch.

But also: Cybersecurity and cyberworthiness manager.


Probably¹ addicted to coffee and chilli



Rock @Itz_Rock@mstdn.social

Hello world! Let's create an interesting community in "Mastodon"
We recommend: https://mastodon.world/@Itz_Raven

IdahoLark @IdahoLark@syringa.social

Birder, Tali’s person, Boise State alum, Master Naturalist, and blue bird living in a red state. Fourth-generation Idahoan, one-time Alaskan. Former dog musher and director of Alaska Bird Observatory, now teaching environmental education in prisons. I post photos from my walks and travels, dogs, birds, and other random things I see. Most bird photos are my husband's. #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #dogs #DogsOfMastodon #Boise #Idaho #Alaska #Caturday

George Schoenhofer @GeorgeSchoenhofer@mstdn.ca

Strong introvert. Passionate about mental health, public transit, public health, housing as a human right. 2SLGBTQ+ ally. Love photography, art, music, urban walks, hockey, plant-based food. He/him. I love my quiet, gentle life.

Longhairedgit @lhgmk2@mas.to

Wildlife photographer, writer, artist, herpetologist, and naturalist. Ex wildlife rescuer. Hobby composer and cat daddy. Currently longcovid. Rarely serious until it's deadly. Photos here.https://500px.com/lhgmk2
Photos here be mine, unless retoots. I guess that was glaringly obvious. Any online request leads to an instablock.

Viking Chieftain @VikingChieftain@krigskunst.social

Just an armchair chieftain trying to make sense of world politics and conflicts. 100% pro-Ukraine, 100% pro-democracy.

Born and raised in Sweden. Exported to Canada. Lived about half my life in Canada. I love both countries.

The profile picture is Mjölnir or Thor's hammer. This particular pendant is a replica of a pendant found in the southern part of Sweden.

The header picture is of the Viking castle in Trelleborg (also called Trelleborgen).

Majid Hussain @mhussain@mastodonapp.uk

my name is majid hussain. I am 30 years old. I am blind. I love listening to audio books reading LIT-RPG ebooks tinkering with pcs and gennerally chilling. I am from coventry, u.k come say hi! and lastly, welcome to my mastovirse!

TurnedByTim @TurnedByTim@mstdn.social

Former rat race participant. Now woodturner, woodworker, and small biz owner enjoying a slower pace. I'm here to share my art and learn new things from smart people.

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile @EricIndiana@mastodon.social

A complex colony of sentient matter. Writer of books. Typer of keys. Links: https://linktr.ee/EricIndiana. Author of "OCD-Free" by Eric Gordon; Monstermon Cards; & Father-Son Cookbook: a 25 Year Correspondence
#intersectionality #BLM #nonviolence #progressive #comedy #comedywriter #amwriting #blogger #ocd #mentalhealth #startrek #doctorwho #hireme te/ter

Profile pic is my design of a heart inside a peace sign. I call it "Heart of Peace"; banner says "Violence, in all its forms, is the enemy."

Jason Ramey @jasonramey@social.linux.pizza

FOSS, 3d printing, houseplants, #astronomy, spaceflight, #homeautomation

krychevskafella @krychevskaFella@mastodon.social

Ukrainian living in the US , suspended again on X #NAFO #NafoTribbleDivision. I steal memes and like all pet pics.