Aaron aaron@chirp.zadzmo.org

Open on chirp.zadzmo.org

I work in tech: unix (any) sysadmin. He/him

Open source software; Lua programming; synth DIY; ecology; botany; photography; aerospace; NetBSD user

I don't worry if you don't follow back - do what you want with your timeline.

Profile photo: detail of a very ruffled, lace-like fern.
Header photo: A NAFO shibu inu dog in a Patagonia sweatervest, attaching Kontakt-1 explosive-reactive armor bricks to a Cray Supercomputer.


Don Melton @donmelton@mstdn.social

I'm probably best known as the person who started the #Safari and #WebKit projects at #Apple.

I've drawn underground comics, pioneered using a Mac for newspaper graphics and developed software at Adobe and Netscape.

Now I write video #transcoding scripts and sometimes podcast.

Follow me and I'll fill your timeline with boosts.

TurnedByTim @TurnedByTim@mstdn.social

Former rat race participant. Now woodturner, woodworker, and small biz owner enjoying a slower pace. I'm here to share my art and learn new things from smart people.

Flock of Nazguls @flockofnazguls@mastodon.flockofnazguls.com

Weird music for weird times.

LindaMarie @lindamarie@toad.social

Looking for the truth.

Trying to find the helpers.

clacke@libranet.de is my main @clacke@mastodon.social

Saving the world by solving first-world problems.

My main is at https://libranet.de/~clacke .

5tranman @5tranman@sfba.social

Linomorph @linomorph@mastodon.sdf.org

Linoleum-based lifeform. He/Him cishet dummy. Gateron brown enjoyer.

Leigh @Newbabyfly@mastodon.art

casual comic artist, graphic design, gamer geek. (nonbinary, Any pronouns) Expect a lot of Destiny 2, with Borderlands and other games sprinkled in.

Support me on Ko-Fi!

Velocirooster adminensis :bc: @theropologist@beige.party

In the middle like a bird without a beak 🐓 Admin of this here instance 🦖 I have no idea what I'm doing 🦣

Alt Text: Avi is the head of a rooster with a velociraptor's face instead of a beak, seen in profile and looking majestic af. The header is a hilariously inaccurate 19th-century woodcut depicting an iguanodon and a megalosaurus as big lumbering quadrapedal lizards biting each other. Neither of them seems bothered by this, in fact they both are sporting big goofy toothy grins.

sophia @reginasbread@homo.promo

queer, hag hugger, women enthusiast and apologist, friend of Dorothy, into milfs and meals.

Dolly Parton said: "Find out who you are and do it on purpose", so here I am being gay and obnoxious.
When I'm not busy being obnoxious, I post about books and other things I care about.

septuagenarians stan account.

locked because of spam. Feel free to follow if you're human.

Matthew Strawbridge @maddax@fosstodon.org

just_a_fella_EU 🇪🇺 🇦🇹 @Just_a_fella_EU@mastodon.social

2PiB3 - 同志 -
Im Krieg ist das erste Opfer die Wahrheit - Aischylos (525-456 b.c.)