Acta Populi

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Dissemination of views and interesting, important and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the mainstream media.


out of bounds, anywhere out of

Compte principal :
Décorée de l'ordre des 🥔
🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔 (5 jours sur 7)
Productrice de NFT Bio ® − Vente exclusive, privée et soumise à condition
Toujours aller voir ailleurs si l'herbe y est plus bleue.
N'importe où, mais hors de ce monde (Baudelaire - Anywhere out of the world)
#fedi22 #climat #environnement #santé #art #numérique #infosec #poésie


I like my my family and friends, privacy, and politics.


realcaseyrollins ✝️

#Christian, #ENFP, black dude, anti-authoritarian small-government stan, #tech fan, #TV and #Film enjoyer who most likely who has #ADHD.

Bhatara Indie

Call me Jon
Follower update,
mostly on bahasa 🇮🇩 & mtl english 🇺🇸

Primarily :
Exercising flea speech, clipping contents.
Else, Fast paced stupid opinionated post :ablobdj:​ which is aging so fast like wine. :flan_wine:​

:firefox: ​:linux:​ :fediverse:​ :xmpp:​ :the_matrix:​ :telegram:​

— ❝Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa❞ —

ꦎꦗꦺꦴ ꦢꦸꦩꦼꦃ,
All Rights Reserved

croc o' dye

Responses on a spectrum from Nothing to Anything are appreciated

:nes_fire: Third Man :nes_fire:

I share news and political material.

Display name

I don't hate you, you just disgust me.


Potsmoking Anti-Christ, may or may not currently be housed under someone's bed


𝙼𝚢𝚌𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚗 🐇

A poison derived from mushrooms. In Neuromancer the most frequently mentioned mycotoxin is a nerve agent, used to destroy parts of a victim’s nervous system.