Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



:linux: daily debian user
:blobcatgamer: occasionally 100% games
⌨️ knows some web development, python and lua
📒 likes to draw, wants to draw, but rarely draws (trying to change it)

Johannes Ernst

Founder, Dazzle. We take back our personal data from the big platform overlords.

Co-organizer, FediForum, an unconference that aims to bring the people together who move the Fediverse forward.

Technologist, entrepreneur, cat herder. Amateur hydroponics guy. Ex-foster parent. Ex-musician. Owns -- and uses -- too many Raspberry Pi's.

He/him. tfr

Chris Wiegman

Engineering manager, teacher, aspiring writer and ex-pilot currently focused on #WordPress, #DevEx and #Humane and #Sustainable technology.

Spacewizard! (Ed H)


homo universalis, radio amateur, unix enthusiast, floss advocate, emacs user, bibliophile, anarchist, teaching at the Estonian Academy of Arts

Tom Elliott

Roman Historian and Human Digitalist. Living in Alabama and working for New York University's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. Care and feeding of the Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places ( Formerly @telliott.

Alin Mechenici

CEO @CHENIST #Cybersecurity


I love computers. I also hate computers.

John Goerzen

Hacker, dad, pilot, amateur radio operator, activist, guy that is susceptible to new hobbies. Former president of Software in the Public Interest.

I live miles from the nearest paved road in #Kansas.

Interests: #rust #debian #linux #pilot #flying #hamradio #emacs #orgmode #kansas #floss #kansas #raspberrypi #programming #parenting #retrocomputing

SRE at Google. I do not speak for my employer; views expressed here are my own.


Retired chemical engineer. Currently feeding my intellect with mammalian #biology and #microbiology, the network and complex system aspects of biology, and the brain/body mechanisms via the vagus nerve.

Recent-ish love of "The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health" and "I Contain Multitudes".

Favorite papers as of May 2023 (so far): "The Danaid Theory of Aging", "Systems Biology of Phenotypic Robustness and Plasticity"

Activities: #weightlifting and #hiking

Fabian Schorp

Tech Nerd, Photographer, Reader of Silly Things


I'm not ready for this.


#nobot #gardener ex #mefite

If you know me professionally, follow me @scisus