Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



I love computers. I also hate computers.

John Goerzen

Hacker, dad, pilot, amateur radio operator, activist, guy that is susceptible to new hobbies. Former president of Software in the Public Interest.

I live miles from the nearest paved road in #Kansas.

Interests: #rust #debian #linux #pilot #flying #hamradio #emacs #orgmode #kansas #floss #kansas #raspberrypi #programming #parenting #retrocomputing

SRE at Google. I do not speak for my employer; views expressed here are my own.

Fabian Schorp

Tech Nerd, Photographer, Reader of Silly Things


I'm not ready for this.


#nobot #gardener ex #mefite

If you know me professionally, follow me @scisus

Joël 🍵

Moved recently from @Jolg42

Frenchie in #Berlin #Germany

<3 Gongfu Cha 🍵

#Ghibli fan
Node.js, #JavaScript / #TypeScript developer

#Tea #Climate #ClimateChange #Vegan
#Diving #Plongée
#ScienceFiction #SciFi #learning #bike #velo
#OSS #Privacy #Technology
#French learning #German slowly 🦥

Discovered #wled recently 💡



Akainix es el arco iris para el pueblo Yamana. Mi avatar es un robot hecho de cartón. Escribo, estudio literatura y lingüística, a veces hago libros bordados en materiales reciclados. Pero sobre todo leo. Akainix is Rainbow for Yamanana people. My avatar is a cardboard robot. I write, study literature and lingüistic, sometimes I make embrodered books in recycled materials. But most of the time I read.

Jeremy Foote

Assistant professor of Communication at Purdue University. I mostly study online communities using computational methods, including trace data, agent-based modeling, and network analysis.

Member of the Community Data Science Collective (

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx:

Idealist, technologist and general optimist.

Admin of

#Privacy #FreeSoftware #FreedomBox #SelfHosting #nobot



Lew Perin

Accepting bitterness is the leap of faith in the religion of tea.
#fedi22 #tea

Padraic Harley

Irish guy in Scotland. Shite at small talk. Purple monkey dishwasher. He/Him. Enjoys Python and Django.