Andrew Briscoe

Open on

Hardcore hiker, backpacker, lover of the outdoors, techie, happily married with three teenagers, Oregon Tech grad. Estoy aprendiendo español.

📸 All photos by me
📍 Portland, Oregon, USA



Running things in the cloud, some for money, some for fun.

Joshua Purba :comfysip:

Software engineer, electronics hobbyist.
#programming #java #electronics #arduino #fedi22 #nobot #noindex
Other accounts: @jo, @jo, and @jo

Dave Robinson

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial