Bernard Chhun (he/him)

Open on

Toots in french and english.

Second generation immigrant. Dad. Runner. 2 cats & 1 dog.

Full stack C# dev & legacy software caretaker.

Not a cryptobro.

Forever Lost.

Seeking mastery in all earthly things.

Trying to change the world with #empathy and #education

#MetalCore #Coffee #tea #music #poetry #french #canada #quebec #StrongTowns #fitness #boxing #transportation #AntiRacism #inclusion #technology #art #Sustainability #ethics #Neurodiversity #degrowth #foss #GraphicNovels #KnowledgeManagement


Erika Heidi ✨ 𝔂𝓪𝓶𝓵𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷

🧙‍♀️ Dev+Ops technical writer and open sourcerer
🐙 DevEx Engineer #Chainguard
🌟 GitHub Star
✍️ Writes about #tech and life
🌎 Brazil/Netherlands 🇧🇷🇳🇱
♥️ Fave hobbies atm: weight lifting, gaming, 3D printing

Topics include (but not limited to): #php, #cloudNative, #supplyChainSecurity, #openSource, #dogs & #memes

Martin Hamel

Né à 321 ppm, je suis impliqué dans la mobilité active pour faire ma part contre les changements climatique. je suis aussi un développeur logiciel depuis des lustres.

#mobiliteactive #urbanisme #violenceroutiere #climat #environnement #quebec #montreal


338 ppm - De klimaatcrisis is nu. Veranderen of verdwijnen. Dat is de keuze.

#klimaatverandering #klimaatcrisis
#climateChange #climateCatastrophy #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint

finite;crystal 🖤💎

🏳️‍⚧️ she/it/they 🏴

A little bit of everything on your timeline ❤️

#nobot, please!

Griselda Mussett

Enjoying life as an old lady artist on chemo, promoting trees & community, laughs & good writing. Pro-Europe, appalled at Tory pirates, consoled by botany, profoundly supported by JuicePlus+

Bakt El Raalis

Twittos réincarné en Mastonaute + Fils de l'Internet 🕸 + 🧠 actif de la n∞sphère + 🇼 🇵 maniac + Amateur de culture ALT. 🗯 Créateur de 🔥 🎛

François Lapointe

Research scientist: Nanomaterials · Electronics · Sensors · Spectroscopy · Quantum | Chercheur scientifique : Nanomatériaux · Électronique · Capteurs · Spectroscopie · Quantique | Fr / En
#chemistry #physics #nano #science #quebec


Waterloo, Ontario, Canada — EN/FR

#Fediverse user since 2017. Self-hosted since 2018

#Linux user since 1992; not an expert, more like a power user —first distro: SLS (but I started with boot disk/root disk), current distro: #Fedora Workstation

#3DPrinting: just for fun, and random little things I might need around the house

#Thinkpads: T43p, T60, R500, X230, W530, W530, (yes, two of them), T440, X1 Carbon Gen2, X1 Carbon Gen9

Self-employed IT guy, but feels more like semi-retired


Socially awkward

#ComplexTrauma due to years of severe childhood abuse. Recovering from Complex #PTSD

#TBI #BrainDamage —scar tissue everywhere in my brain. Don't hit your kids, or anyone for that matter: it's wrong


Je ne dis ni "chocolatine" ni "pain au chocolat", mais "croissant au chocolat", parce que c'est comme ça ici en Ontario. Je dis "numérique", pas "digital", parce que j'ai passé l'âge de compter sur mes doigts. "Digital" je tolère, mais je penserais secrètement que tu fais un AVC. J'écris "événement" avec deux "é", parce que je suis un vieux con qui ne veut pas changer ses habitudes


Subscribed to: The New York Times, The Waterloo Region Record, Le Monde Diplomatique (**NOT** Le Monde) , Courrier International

Sara Joy :prami_contented:

Hellooooo this is my alt account.
It also posts the status updates from

I'm mostly active on @sarajw right now :)

No need to follow this version of me back, but if you'll let this one follow you, I'll be less lonely any time goes down :)

Robin Millette

Nicolas Guay

Ma vie est un suspense soutenable.
Blogueur, écriveron, coureur de fond du dimanche.

(Oui, il m’arrive de relayer des trucs en anglais.)