Rebeka Catalina

Open on


Currently this is a test account. I'm testing a self-hosted Mastodon instance via Yunohost. Eventually I will move here, but my main account will stay @mischk for now.

Momentan ist das ein Test-Account. Ich teste eine über Yunohost selbstgehostete Mastodon-Instanz. Eventuell ziehe ich hierhin um, aber mein Hauptaccount bleibt erstmal @mischk.


Cloud Stylistin | Creative Commons | FOSS | Fotografie | Gestaltung | Kunst | Kochen | Backen | zynisch, sarkastisch und Misanthrop | :antifa: :pansexual_flag: :anarchismred: 🏳️‍⚧️


⚠️ Wenn du mir folgen willst, sag mal Hallo und woher wir uns kennen.

barbara 🌏

|| Media & Communications || 💚 nature, music and tech ||

Klaudia (aka jinxx)

#Autorin · Podcasterin · Datenschutzexpertin · ViennaWriter's Blog & Podcast · #TheDinerPodcast · #DatenschutzPodcast 2018-23 · PrivacyWeek 2016-21 · #SolarpunkSpace · #DesperateHousehackers · #PaulaKrimi · #NaUndDasBuch · #Podcasting · Adminette von &

Charlie Kaufman world

natur :seedling: Anti-civ Primitivist :ecoanarchism_heart: | Wandern | introvertiert | Depression | social anxiety | Straight Edge | Öko | hab immer ein Buch dabei :blobcatreading: | :bisexual_flag: | Genderfluid Alien :alien: | older Millennial | Alle Pronomen | weiss #noRacism

Never shuts up about Placebo


Rebeka Catalina

Transwoman - very much interested in UNIX-like OSs, terminal/cli/security stuff, free software - (queer-)feminism, veganism. A passionate streetboarder.

#nobot - #norec - #noindex

(norec = no-recommend: please don't recommend my profile to follow)

Tend to be positive, but rant from time to time.

#berlin #gentoo #freebsd #archlinux #OpensourceSeeds #tea #HSP #introverted #streetboard #OpenSourceGardens #Haeckse #NettleFanGirl

I don't like skating - I love it <3



engineering and other FINTA stuff | filtering RT | toots will be deleted regularly on a short interval | this is a public profile, feel free to boost and/or follow :BoostOK:

cuddly tea :sparkles_nb:

chaos enby, weird mix of genders.

i am: queer, non-binary, pansexual, introvert, vegan, anarchist, older than 30, white, shy, anxious
i like: tea, gardening, cooking, reading, computer touching
i sometimes work on gentoo linux. i'm in hannover, germany. i'm naked and/or lewd sometimes and i renote lewd posts.

​:blobcat_enby:​ ​:blobcat_pansexual:​ ​:blobcat_blackbloc_flower:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_tea_woozy:​ ​:plantmage:​ ​:blobcat_cooking:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_reading:​ ​:xenia_laptop:​ ​:anarcho_hornyism:​

Feel free to follow, my account is “locked” to filter out bots, meanies and so on. All public posts can be boosted.
Hammer-and-sickle wielders, RMS fans: Piss off. Do not quote me or share my photos outside the Fediverse.
Do not follow if your profile is empty. Accounts without description or at least a few posts are creepy.

高 友蓮 (gāo yǒu lián)


Please say 'hello' before following.

Avatar: Selfie of a white woman lying down covering her forehead with her hand, one pale blue eye is visible and lots of brown hair spread out.
Header: a landscape with trees on a meadow and a forest in the background. Thanks to @daniel_bohrer

Chinese name was gifted to me by @zoec thank you, girlfriend!

Rebeka Catalina

Sysadmin and free software enthusiast - living in Berlin. Transwoman, who loves streetboarding. Passionate opensource-gardener.
If you want to follow me and we don't know each other, consider to follow my alt. account on

I don't like skating: I love it <3

#HSP #introverted #AKF
Pronouns: she/her

Be kind to the planet <3


Just a curious mind. Gopher is dead.
#Running #MountainBike #RoadBike #RideOn ☮️ 🚵



never commit, never surrender!