Dave Naylor caramboo@social.vanilli.uk

Open on social.vanilli.uk

Lancastrian in Leeds. This is an account on my own little instance running GoToSocial.

Lots of eclectic interests. Mostly techy but I watch a fair old bit of Rugby League and Cricket, listen to loads of music and make lots of curries.

I can also be found elsewhere in the Fediverse:

Mastodon: @Caramboo
PixelFed: @Caramboo
Write As: @dave


lisasew @lisasew@social.vanilli.uk

Dave Naylor @Caramboo@mastodon.org.uk

Lancastrian in Leeds. I code, design, write, shoot photos and video, watch ball sports and listen to music.

I was Supporters Direct Community Champion in 2016. They gave me a big crystal shard thing with my name on it. My wife won't let me keep it on the mantelpiece.

Dave Naylor @caramboo@vanilli.co.uk

Microblogging in the Fediverse

Dave Naylor @caramboo@calckey.social

Lancastrian in Leeds, essentially a northern Englishman.

Web, Linux, Mac, Photography, Rugby League, Cricket, Music, Walking, Beer, Wine, Curry.

I spend a lot of my time volunteering my tech skills at my home town Rugby League club. It drives my wife nuts.

Dave Naylor @davenaylor@mastodon.social