cheero deemartsio

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once nothing more than an excess of pizza dough.
then they met a plant-based mozzarella and a tab of glitter.
they made love to each other until they glued together into this quirk scribe.


migrating & dividing myselves

i migrated again.
that's all i do on and off line.
always transitioning.

queer and white
used to call myself an anarchist
now i hate the left
abolition comes with demolition

host of a very gay system
check the members in the links below


avatar: picrew of a pinkish witchy droid
banner: gradient background going from black in the corners to light grey in the centre.

mixx pynk


they’ve been built with free clothes from a squat and stolen makeup from a mall.
their soul feed on prosecco molotovs and weed cultivated in trespassed land.


#bonfire dev | dad | wannabe farmer