Devin Prater :blind:

Open on

I am blind. Because of course I have to mention it in my profile. Accessibility drives me. I use all the major operating systems in some way, and find great things about all of them. I also enjoy reading, eating, relaxing, eating more, and chatting. I want to be a cat when I grow up.

My opinions are my own, and definitely do not reflect those of [my employer](


Lukáš Tyrychtr

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.


European 🇪🇺, queer 🏳️‍🌈 demi-guy.

I do tech capitalism by day ☀️ because there's bills to pay. I try to ensure my employer doesn't do anything evil. I do open-sourcery ⚗️ by night 🌙 as a Pion maintainer and contributor to whatever I deem valuable.

Anyone debating another human being's right to live a happy, healthy, worry-free and fulfilling life is on the wrong side of history and isn't welcome here 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇺🇳.


Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


they (en), yel (fr), etc.
Nairm & Birrarung-ga, Kulin biik
gemini:// | gopher:// |

My BookWyrm account is @wrul --- and that one does actually see regular use!

My user avatar is a desaturated photo of a rainbow lorikeet feeding on orange gum blossoms.

(Header image? Only a single, transparent pixel.)

kimothy siddon

lesbian, trans, non-binary woman, she / her, white.
you may remember me from such classics as @grufwub.
i have what the kids call, mental health. life is a lot.
enjoyer of oats. appreciator of cats.

professional bug contributor at @gotosocial .
write mostly Go and sh. also: Rust, PHP, Python, ACAB.

anarcho somethingivist.
nuance is dead.

the only valid intolerance, is intolerance of intolerance.
working on dealing with a lifetime of assimilated systemic bigotry.
the onus isn't on you, but if you do call me on shit, it is appreciated.
owning up to and working on my shit are important to me.

i love my wife @goat