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Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


Lars Lehtonen

I write Go. I ride bicycles with amateur radios attached. I live in Los Angeles. #cycling #fedi22

Scott Small

Just a 30something Canadian dude from #VancouverIsland who's into #RetroComputing (mainly old #Apple / #Mac stuff), #Programming, and general #Technology enthusiast. Also love to #Travel!

I also have a alt account at @thissa where I post about #Anime, #Gaming, and #Otaku things :)

anatil e\x9f\xf0\xbc\xa5n lu\x00l

R&D lead at kunoichi labs. Father. Maker. Thinker. Ally. Rubber little lady. Slicker than a weasel. Grimy as an alley.


maintainer of, co-author of the github cli, noise musician, trash poet, eupraxsophist, soft boy


engineer recovering from years of suppressed artist tendencies

here to create, play, and meet other makers

interests include: systems thinking, chaos theory, human dynamics, Synergetics, antifragility, humane computing architecture, mind and nature


A robot hacker rabbit from outer space according to my youngest.

Slightly neurodivergent anarchist vegan buddhist hacker. Chaotic good.

Some important things: libertarian socialism, science fiction, retro-computing, EBM, swords, Emacs, programming, access to source code.

Please don't DM me. Use e-mail, XMPP, IRC, or Signal. See Contact.

Posts are autodeleted.


The fixer (he/him), sometimes the broken, sometimes the breaker. Read my gopherhole for the rest - I can only fit so many keystrokes here, or, you know,... pull my finger.

My finger daemon holds many secrets. You definitively should try and find them all.

For whom the Taco Bell tolls

:tacobelllabs: 🌮 teletaco engineer
charming old computers. fun old video games. slow old cars.

Carl he / him

deprecated twitter acct - @lobsterpants


old internet. grew up on gopher and irc, never wanted to leave. made a bunch of weird stuff. corpo drone day job. adult goth. austin, tx. my pronouns are he/him.

before you follow me, set up your profile with an image and a bio.

pamela :flan_butterfly:

backup admin (on leave, please don't DM)
artist by trade, commissions closed

makes cute things :flan_flowers:
loves nature, games, learning ... and you!

Please don't remove CWs or add hashtags to replies

Use me to identify bad actors scraping. This account employs all auto opt-outs #noindex #nosearch


A wizard in a world of witches.


Hiro :misskey_loading: :neofox_cofe_spill:

I'm a #Linux and #Emacs learner. Love 2D games like #CataclysmDDA .
I am
#bilingual 2.5 languages to be exact.
🇯🇵 #Japanese (fluent)
🇺🇲 English (fluent-ish) and
🇪🇸🇵🇪 #Spanish (intermediate: good at listening, poor speaking)

I would renote (boost) cute posts like
#cats, #dogs, #birds and more!
This is English main account.

If you send your follow request, I will check your profile, posts and comments so I can see who you are first.
