૮༼⚆︿⚆༽つ / Wildan drsensor@fosstodon.org

Open on fosstodon.org

I'm here looking for Internet Friends to geek out 🤗

I'm just #Nix / #Linux user that wear many hats: #webdev, #gamedev, low-level programming, #firmware & #electricalengineering, #CLI & #TUI enthusiast, etc

most (toots) PL: #javascript #rust

Not sure if I'm available for hire but if you found my PR in your project or one of my OSS has strong connection with what you're doing then feel free to contact me.


Jonas Chevalier 🦙 :Twitter_Verified_Badge: @zimbatm@gts.zimbatm.com

I like to build little tools: direnv, treefmt, ...

Bringing open source to companies with Numtide.