fawn fawn@gts.emptydoll.house

Open on gts.emptydoll.house

not a person, just a scared traumaqueer doll
early 20s
pfp: @04119__snail@twitter.com


Wintergreen @wintergreen@demon.social

doll, smiling faintly in the chill light of dusk • ⚧⚙️🔞 • #EmptySpaces

Lioness @lioness@plush.city

floof lion big sis 🦁🌻 spectrum turtle miniboy 🐢🎀 kinky dork 🐙🔞 unsafe on hit 🚀🐥🅰🅰 sensitive to initial conditions 🦋🌪

Early 30s, USA midwest. [she/her]

:swordhalo: ijo pi sewi suno :witchhat: @dawn@gts.emptydoll.house

the doll that holds the key; the witch that speaks the door into the world; the angel who steps through it. @viscountexx's kidnapper

#EmptySpaces #NotAPerson

(traumaqueer witchery and kink content. heed CWs and take care of your mental health. i am an admin of this instance but am not speaking as one here.)