FuzzFace ☢️ :clippy: fuzzface@epsilon-ix.masto.host

Open on epsilon-ix.masto.host

:epsilon_9: :bisexual_flag: ♓️ I was working on TCP/IP before everyone thought it was cool. Might have stopped a few bad guys along the way. Former moderator at mastodon.technology. I host a weekly radio show, which you can find out more about at https://bomb.shelter.radio.am/. Joined Mastodon in April 2018. #FlynnLives #NETMBX #NASAExplorer66 https://science.nasa.gov/missions/cobe #gawk #Intellivision https://justmytoots.com/@fuzzface@epsilon-ix.masto.host


DysphoricUnicorn🪿 @dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

You can read my blog posts on dysphoric.dev, if that sounds like your jam.

I am somewhat selective in which follow requests I accept, please have at least a bio or be mutuals with someone I know before sending a request.

Pronouns: they/them, she/her or nin/nins

Image descriptions:
Profile picture: A Sims 4 character with pink and purple hair taking a selfie in front of a progress pride flag.
Header image: A Gracht in Amsterdam during the evening. There's multiple sight seeing boats visible. The picture is heavily edited to give the water a beautiful blue tint and boost the effect the street lights have on their surroundings.

Flo @flo@social.flal.net

Geek barbu, avide de bière et de data. programmation et parentalité fonctionnelle. il/lui
Bearded geek, longing for beer and data. functionnal programming and parentiong. He / him

avatar : by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0

ozoned @ozoned@social.ozoned.net

Father of 2; husband; FOSS lover and willing teacher; absolutely cynical. In that order.

Ex-Unix admin.
Ex-Red Hatter focused on supporting services such as systemd, dbus, rsyslog, secvuln, openssh, etc.
Currently IT Unix performance admin.

Livestream: https://stream.ozoned.net

Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/@ozoned:matrix.org

steve mookie kong [alt] @mookie@happyorange.xyz

this is my alt account on my gotosocial test server. follow me at my regular account: @mookie